Sunday, January 27, 2013

Six Moons, by Diana Kreutzer

moon while walking the dogs —
upturned mouth
smiling over the night


I look up often.  But it's the night skies that etch in my memory.
I look up at night while walking the dogs.
I look up comforted by companion moon I have known
all of my life, wherever I go.
How wonderful it would be to have someone
like the moon
who loves you so much
that, despite the familiarity of a lifetime,
stays with you all those years.


Alaskan river —
moon lights paths 
on your curving places


July moon over mountains
followed us as we drove
to our honeymoon —
it was there we met each other's demons —
we were over by November


the moon in Mombasa
watched over us 
as we watched over 
the children 
as they swam


in my many homes
moonlight through windows
but always welcome