Ice Cream
Flavors I like . . .
sea salt caramel
apple macaroon studded with toasted pine nuts
pomegranate sorbet filled with candied ginger and zested tangerine strips
pernod and fennel granita (provided it is served as a palate cleanser and not as a dessert)
mapled walnuts alternating with chocolate espresso beans and coconut chips
Flavors I don't like . . .
woody peach served with a lemon pledge spritzing
kale pistachio
liver wellington ice
dirty fish fumet with crushed shellfish
dill ripple, anchovy and nigella seed surprise
Some Things That Drive Me Crazy
cupboards left open, lights left on
radio waves that vacillate around their station signal, unable to commit
stains that are nothing if not stubborn
problems without solutions
things that stay lost, even though we all know they're just hiding
nothing to do
too much to get done
people who think bacteria has an attitude
mis-matched socks
anyone who pauses just because they can
the word "no"
the words "no" "thank" "you"
silence where I should be hearing "you're welcome"
things that never change
grey days, damp nights
rain that is so light it seems without intension
dogs who won't listen to me; cats who ignore me
all snakes, domesticated or wild, because let's face it: snakes are incapable of being domesticated
the acrid smell released by molested millipedes
people who say "just a second" and really mean "never"
outdated magazines in the doctors office
any movie involving the devil or witchcraft
certain people, in my past, who will go nameless