Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Quan Yin, by Rob Sullivan
She is the embodiment
the essence distilled
the deity made manifest
living, breathing incarnation
of compassion boundless, with no end
She is the comforter
the healer and changer
of hearts and minds
of obstacles and veils
the clear seeing truth sayer
the ever patient, always caring
for continual awakening experience
She is the beloved
sought for wise guidance
and skillful means
the object of subject devotion
and life giving gratitude
She is the esoteric
made simple, real and plain
the kind and gentle guide
on the path to enlightenment
beyond old age, sickness, birth and death
through illusion of duality
towards a loving embrace
of her wise ways of the feminine
She is the ah yes!
the aha! the eureka!
the yes! the now I see!
the all is well!
the what will be, will be!
the love reign o'er me!
the compassion awakens!