Sunday, March 19, 2017

I Am Waiting, by Maureen Owens

for spring
the snow to stop
to melt
unveil the mud,
the mud to dry
the right moment
to remove
the snow tires
put away
the sweaters
and fleece,
park the boots,
plant the garden.
waiting for the alarm
for dogs to stir
coffee to finish
my turn in the shower
the car to warm.
Waiting for the computer
the emails, the replies
the issues of the day.
Waiting for lunch
for a run, a walk,
the sun, a breeze.
Waiting to leave,
To drive and arrive,
for joyful dogs
waiting to bolt.
Waiting for dinner
waiting for bed,
the sweetness
of sheets and blankets
cotton on skin
release and surrender,
exquisite not-waiting.