Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Seventeen Little Bits of Silence, by Carla DeMello

anticipation of release is not as fun as it sounds

secrets grow
crab grass chokes the last lit places
time to weed my garden

one thousand notes' exultant end
one thousand hands applauding

dream conversations
such brilliant insight 
but never audible

I'm never quite sure 
when to use you in a sentence

profound absence of sound
ear buds still in
though my playlist has ended

crushing me with glacial silence
making me pay for saying
No More

murky fog 
obscuring the unknown path
I'll go the back the way I came

I longed for one quiet moment
today — too much silence

everything else 
falling out of focus 
painting blooms into being

absence of color
you are generally too quiet for my taste

silence that I'm
too preoccupied to appreciate
is now gone

jock planets huddle
ninety pound Pluto kicked out
refuses to leave

passing feet shape kitty's shed fur 
into delicate balls 
on the stairs

ice cream rivulets 
sliding down my son's arm
sweet surprise for later

100 newly thrown bowls 
dry quietly
waiting their turn for feet 

gently tossed by a breeze 
I would not otherwise have noticed