Friday, July 27, 2012

5 Green Minutes, by 6 Writers

For the last 5 minutes of the Writing Circle on Thursday morning, July 26, I asked everyone to WRITE GREEN, using squares of green origami paper as the surface. Here is what came up, in a short burst of green time and space.
Barbara Anger

Flying overhead, burnt grass turns green after the rain.

Deer jump a 10 foot fence to eat green, green greens.

Uh oh! Green in the back of the fridge, time to scrub, scrub, scrub.

Green Advice:
  Clear — don't worry.
  Yellow — drink lots of liquid.
  Green — call the doctor.

Green eyes see all colors deeply.

Barbara West

Try writing on a small piece of green paper, what comes to mind?  Something I wonder about: every time I am given a pen to try out I write the word “one.” I cannot remember how young I was or why I started doing that and never stopped. Writing on the green paper, hand skimming the surface like a toad’s back. Smooth with slight roughness ... consistent inconsistencies like it was machine produced, not a toad at all. I turn the paper over, plain white, the surface is smooth, the toad is gone. My hand is on a slip and slide ... green on the other side like algae underfoot.

Mara Alper

Verde que te quiero verde
Green how I love you green
Green wind. Green branches,
Verde viento. Verde ramas,
Lorca's green poem inscribed in my heart

I love in green, live in green, need green to breathe.
Lush summer
thick, jungle
sweet garden
deep joy

Noemi Kraut

Go Green!
Which container do I put what in?
How hot can I stand it before I put on the a/c?
How do I keep flies from the compost?
Thank you Mr. Ithaca for letting me put all recyclables in the same can.
Help. Ithaca Bakery, does the plasticware go in with the cup?
I'm green with envy.
I bought tomatoes from the greengrocer.
I used to live on Greenhalgh Walk.
Greenwich Mean Time.

Sue Crowley

Shades of green;
Consume the hillsides in spring, arise from the cold earth,
sprout from barren gray limbs,
in homage to the growing light.

Fade in the heat, abiding to rise again in time.
Living and dying in turn, but never lost,
balancing the blue of the open sky on the great blue marble of the earth,
greening the air with oxygen.

Yvonne Fisher
green grass green water green tea green earth 
green drink green gables green leaf green tree 
green garden green sofa green clover green glow 
everything green 
green party 
green love
blue sky blue water blue earth blue dress 
famous blue raincoat blue jazz blues
green chalk on the sidewalk with Lucia who is 3 
draw a green boat 
green bike 
take a bath 
go to bed