Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Spring is Not, by Mary Roberts

Spring is not still
Spring is not dry
Spring is not loud, quiet or patient
Spring is not summer, sitting on the beach
Spring is not red, purple or blue
Spring is not a race car
Spring is not a stopwatch
Spring does not wait

Spring is not rude
Spring is not fearful or anxious
Spring is not winter, introverted and cold
Spring is not mature
Spring is not still, motionless or asleep
Spring does not listen when you shout "Oh please wait, slow down!"

Spring is not a nursery rhyme or a horror film
Spring is not a pair of boots
Spring is not a handkerchief, a matchbox or a lamppost 
Spring is not a song
Spring is not a bicycle
Spring is not a gas station
Spring is not a flashlight
Spring does not hold back

(inspired by the poem "Flowers," by Lynne Tillman)