Monday, March 26, 2018

Two Short Pieces, by Kimberly Zajac

These two short pieces were written in the Saturday Morning Circle on March 24. The first was in response to a “spark” that suggested using the phrase “and then” at the start of each line; the second was written in the last five minutes of the group, using the “Paint Chip Poetry Game” to provide key words.

And Then . . .

And then there is the space between after and before
And then there is the pause between losing and catching your breath
And then there is the silent life between heart beats
And then there is the lift of the pen between words
And then there is the question between worry and relief
And then there is the dangling between seasons
And then there is the suspension between loss and love
And then there is the quiet healing after the pain and before the "I don't remember"
And then there is the wait before the laughter at one's self and the holding back of tears that never really works
And then there is the hesitant lean before reassurance
And then there is the shivering robin on a cold March morning
And then there is my wonder of it all
And then there is the murky tea that brings clarity
And then there is the ink splotch tattoo on my finger
And then there is the inner voice that chooses squiggles instead of words
And then there is the muse that giggles from the last page

My Hometown

my hometown when I was a child
was just my own back yard
a community of bluebirds
and sun rays
fireflies and
orange Chinese lanterns
and best of all was ordering up
a tall glass of iced tea
and snapping off a sprig of mint
to make it oh so grown-up
while I enjoyed my childhood accordingly