A few months ago, I visited a beautiful European city with a friend. She lent me her camera and I took surreal photos of fireworks, and of the stars and planets that floated through the cobbled streets.
Yesterday, I had to go examine working conditions in a medieval factory, but the whole thing turned into a fiasco when a werewolf showed up and I had to hide from the cruel factory manager with some German exchange students.
Last summer, I did some work for a research boat on a river in Thailand. I still remember the smell of the boat's red paint on hot days and the fishy odor that always lingered in the laboratory.
I once saw a ghost in a mirror. It drifted behind me, and when I turned from the mirror in surprise, it had disappeared.
Once, when I was doing some detective work for my school, a friend and I had to go undercover and work in a kimono factory, which was in my front yard. He drove us there in his car, and we had fun laying out the fabric on greased sheets of paper.
Long ago, when I was at the house of an acquaintance, I accidentally drank some nicotine from a bowl on the counter. I became distressed at learning what the strange green fluid was, and I can recall the salty taste that lingered in my mouth for hours afterwards.
When I was five, my kindergarten class went to a museum. We were in the gift shop when a huge T-Rex suddenly barreled into the room. Several children were eaten.
When my parents and I were visiting Germany, our dogs got angry at the mailman and escaped from the yard by climbing over the fence. It was a debacle, and I was greatly annoyed by their incessant barking.
A few years ago, I had to navigate through a giant junkyard to find medicine for a woman who had been injured. I was successful in procuring the medicine, but she became furious at me for helping her.
One horrible incident in my life occurred on top of a parking garage. I was being chased and shot at by a gang, and I had to escape in a car, which was difficult, since I can't drive.
Once, when I was in Greece, I was walking through an abandoned house near the sea, trying to find my friend, because I had to ask him something important. However, when I found him in an empty room, he had turned into someone else. I was not pleased.
Many years ago, on a summer night, I was sprawled on a picnic table. As I gazed into the dark, a giant brown bat flew above my head in slow motion, flapping its leathery wings.
While visiting a Russian marketplace during the 1400's, I caught sight of a picturesque cathedral in the distance, its onion domes bright and shining against the green hillside. I was then obliged to search for stolen goods in the public bathroom, which had a stream running through it.