She woke up with enthusiasm, a new day lay ahead of her.
She didn't yet know what was in store for her but she felt ready for anything.
She stumbled out of bed achy, cranky, hungover, and mad.
She woke up with nightmares trailing behind her, wrapping circles around her as the day began.
She woke up, looked around and didn't recognize anything.
She knew she was in trouble when she realized that she didn't know where she was.
She wandered around searching for something familiar.
She found herself in the desert wandering, parched and thirsty.
She woke up to a great cup of coffee.
She found herself in the middle of a dream.
She didn't know how she got there.
She was in the Bermuda Triangle swimming for her life.
She was on a great adventure and had no idea of what was about to occur.
She lived through many impossible things: earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, and now this.
She picked an apple off the tree and heard a deep and powerful voice call down to her.
She saw a snake in the garden looking at her with a demonic glare.
She spoke to the naked man next to her, the only one around, and he told her that she came from his rib.
She found herself in a kind of paradise and yet she felt a dread deep inside of her, and then it rained and rained for what seemed like 40 days and nights.
She felt like she was all women throughout time and history — all women lived inside of her.
She put on her makeup and wondered who she really was.
She had a sense of somebody standing behind her watching her.
She looked in the mirror and she didn't know whether to be happy or sad, scared or exhilarated.
She couldn't get a grasp on what was about to happen.
She found herself in the middle of a mysterious life.
She didn't know whose life she was living and yet somehow she moved forward.
She opened the door and entered a new room.
She fell in love like never before.
She fell into a hole and tumbled down, down, down.
She fell out of the airplane waiting for the parachute to open.
She wanted to live an extraordinary life.
She wanted to live a great adventure.
She wanted peace and calm more than anything else.
She wanted love in her life and she went after it.
She wanted it all and this is what happened.
She wanted a life filled with surprise and wonder.
She wondered what would happen if she went up those stairs, through that door, out that window, off that plane.
She knew that her life was about to begin.
She felt something coming in her direction and she opened to it.
She leapt off the roof onto the next roof like a bird.
She stood at the edge of the cliff and she bent her knees to jump.
She flew through the air with the greatest of ease.
She jumped off the cliff and didn't look down.
She opened her arms and spread her wings.
She appeared to actually be flying into space and then . . . .